Credit Bureau Dispute


Credit Bureau Dispute: Ways to Initiate One for Better Credit Score!

According to the reports released by Federal Trade Commission, two out of ten people have errors in their credit reports. This either might be in the case of names, late information for the payments which were made on time or can be about the credit listed open, which you have already closed.

These are just a few examples of the issues that can happen and lead to negative questionable information on your credit score, leading to Credit disputes. There might be some other errors too, which can further lead to double or unnecessary payment from the customers.

Thus, you need to evaluate and dispute these errors as soon as possible. Siltowers Credit can help you in disputing these inaccurately updated negative items on your credit reports. We aim to help the customers fix their credit and also resolve their Credit Bureau Dispute.

Details about Credit Dispute:

Inquiry sent to the Credit Bureau regarding errors in the credit reports is thus known as Credit Dispute. If you frequently go through your credit reports and check them from all three major credit bureaus, you are most likely to find some major or minor incorrect information.

When you encounter these situations, you might look for the options to fix them. The only option is a Credit Dispute.

Siltowers Credit will help you in filling a credit dispute. In addition, we have a team of specialists in this field that will suggest you the best options and provide instant results to your problems.

We will thus assist you in filling this dispute with the credit bureaus either in the form of a letter, phone call or through our website.


Ways to Initiate the Credit Dispute with Siltowers Credit:

On our requests, the credit bureaus will investigate the information that we have challenged. In the process, we also need to share the correct data about the error we challenged with the data furnisher.

These are the following steps that the Credit Dispute Team at Siltowers Credit will initiate on your behalf after we find out the errors!.

Send a Letter to the Bureau:

The three major Credit Bureaus to disputes incorrect information are Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. Our team will send a letter to these bureaus, either online or offline. The letter needs to have these points covered:

  • The reason behind the challenge in detail,
  • Clearly identifying all the challenging items,
  • Requesting the Bureaus to either correct or remove the negative information.

Also, if we are challenging a credit inquiry, we need to inform the lender who has issued the initial investigation.

Contacting the Data Furnisher:

The entity that has provided information to Credit Bureau is known as the data furnishers. They can either be the lender, creditor, and the financial institution that provides the loans or the collection agencies. To take all the possible advantages, you must contact both the data furnishers and the bureaus.

In case of incorrect information is from your end, you must primarily inform the credit bureaus. And if the error is from the furnisher’s side, then you must contact them for further help.


Wait for the Response from Credit Bureau:

The Credit Bureaus take at least 30 days to investigate the issue and provide a resolution. After completing the investigation, they give you and the data furnishers about five days to revert. If the furnisher does not acknowledge the claim and then the credit bureaus will not remove the errors.

Also, the credit bureau will not process the claims if they find them to be frivolous. Frivolous lawsuits may be:

  • Inaccurate or Incomplete Dispute Information,
  • Attempting to claim without any proof,
  • Contesting the same items without new evidence.

In these cases, you need to share updated evidence with the Credit Bureau again.

Review and Check Updates:

The next step is to review the results. If you disagree with the results, you can contact the data furnishers directly.

After the reviews, you need to check your credit scores. In case your dispute is processed, the report will change. Personal Information Updates have no impact on the scores.

All these steps will be performed on your behalf by the Credit Dispute Team at Siltowers Credit.

Documents Required for the Dispute by Siltowers Credit:

When we perform the steps on your behalf for the Credit Dispute, we do need some documents from you for the process.

Personal Information:

  • Utility Bill copy,
  • Birth certificate,
  • Driver’s license.
    • Account Information:

      • Bank Statement with Proper Account Information,
      • Letter from lender reflecting account corrections,
      • Proof reflecting account was an identity theft result.
        • Other Information:

          • Court and Bankruptcy Schedules,
          • Cancelled Cheques,
          • Student Loan Disability Letter.
            • When we have the information and details about your Credit Dispute, we will start working on your dispute and get the adequate results. Our team is just a call away for the assistance, ready to deliver the best results and assistance.
